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The Cold War Generator (PDF file)

Ultimate Energy Storage Plan
Building Acid Batteries

Power From the Earth

How to Make Your Own Battery Pack

Recondition Your Batteries

Home Made Batteries

How to Make Your Own Batteries

Capacitors and Inductors

Build Your Own Mud Battery

All About Flywheels

Build Your Own Flywheel

Hi, I want to thank you again for taking the leap, and investing in the "Cold War Generator" program. It won't take long until you'll be generating cleaner, free electricity than you'll know what to do with. And for being such a strong believer, I want to offer you 7 more free e-books for your free-energy-library. You'll find useful information and practical devices to make your life easier. Enjoy them!
Bonus 1
10 Ways To Save Energy

Bonus 2
Bike Generator

Bonus 3
Ultimate Encyclopedia of Magnetic Devices

Bonus 4
The Fuelless Heater

Bonus 5
How to Conserve Energy at Home

Bonus 6
Roof Cleaner
Bonus 7
The Tesla Coil

If you encounter problems with your download or you have any other question please contact me at:
Thank you for your purchase!
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